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¿Cómo se fermenta el Mezcal?


Hello mezcalero!

This time, I want to talk to you about how mezcal is fermented, one of the production stages that, personally, I find one of the most fascinating, as during this process, various chemical changes occur that give mezcal much of its essence.

The fermentation process of mezcal begins after the agaves are crushed in the tahona. For this stage, there are two variants: natural fermentation and accelerated fermentation.

In natural fermentation, wooden vats are used, and we let nature do its work, in its own time. This can take from 8 to 20 days depending on the ambient temperature, the type of vat, the agave species, etc.

Accelerated or controlled fermentation takes between 24 to 30 hours, and this is achieved by creating the appropriate conditions, where temperature, pH, sugars, and the type of yeast added influence. Stainless steel tanks are usually used for this process.

Fermentation is where the magic happens; yeasts, through a biochemical process, consume the monosaccharide sugars and transform them into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Other components are also created that give the organoleptic properties, meaning, depending on the type of fermentation you do, you obtain different aromas and flavors.

To achieve the highest level of purity, at Mezcal Mitre, we carry out a natural fermentation process, without any added agents, in pine wood vats to achieve the unique and artisanal flavor that characterizes us so much.

As always, I hope you have learned something new about the wonderful world of mezcal, and that you end the year with the taste of your favorite Mitre, and of course, remember that the world belongs to the curious.

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